QGC / Weir Water Transfer Piping and Pump Design

QGC / Weir Water Transfer Piping and Pump Design

Organisation: Sub Contractor to Hyder Project: QGC / Weir Water Transfer Piping and Pump Design Project Tenure: 3 Months Project Type: Green Field Client: QGC / Weir Characteristics: 9 pump stations are being commissioned to transfer brine as a part of Water Treatment...
Piping Abbreviations

Piping Abbreviations

Here is the compiled list of Piping Abbreviations.  This is not an exhaustive list and is updated regularly. ASME: American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials AWS: American Welding Society AWWA: American Water Works...
GLNG Interconnect Facility

GLNG Interconnect Facility

Organisation: Sub Contractor to Worley Parsons Project: GLNG Interconnect Facility Project Project Tenure: 4 Months Project Type: Green Field Client: Santos Characteristics: Santos and QGC are planning to share / transfer gas with each other and a metering and...