This is an older post.  To get the latest Efficient version go to


Efficient is a powerful wizard to create a .comm file that can be used for Finite Element Analysis.

To download the software Click here

Features of Version 0.0.1:

  • Fully in English
  • Easy to use Wizard Format
  • No need to remember Code_Aster commands
  • No need to check if you have missed a comma “,” or a Bracket “(” or ending Semi Colon “;”
  • Can be used on Multi Platform (Windows, Linux, Mac OSX)
  • Removes guesswork of what type of results are required
  • You can select the Units that you want (Unit Independent)
  • Types of Loads that can be applied : Gravity, Pressure, Force on Face and Force on Edge
  • Saves Boundary Condition and Loads separately in the .comm file

Features to come in following Versions:

  •  Add more types of Mesh files that can be read
  • Add standard Materials so that users can use them easily
  • Add different types of analysis types like Beam, Axi-symmetric, Shell, etc.
  • Save results in a text file
  • Give user flexibility to select what results they want in MED file
  • Give user flexibility to select what results they want in TEXT file
  • Add more types of Loads that can be applied

Requirements for using this software

  • Java Runtime Environment (jre) should be installed on your computer
  • User should know how to use JAR file as an application and not as a ZIP file

How to use the software

  • When you open the software, you will be greeted with the first window with “Mesh Type” tab that looks like figure below


At this time, User can only START a new Analysis, in future versions there will be a provision to CONTINUE a previous Analysis.

At this time, only MED files can be read, in future versions there will be provision to read other Mesh types

  • When you click on Analysis Tab, it will look like figure below


At this stage, only Linear Static Analysis can be run

At this stage, only 3D Analysis can be carried out

  •  When you click on Material Tab, it will look like figure below


The user needs to input the name of the Material (8 characters long), Young’s Modulus, Poisson’s Ratio, Density of the Material and to what part of the Mesh does it affect.  If the entire analysis has only 1 material, input “All” for Is connected to?

Click on “Add” to add this material to the study.  It will be displayed in the text area below the Add button.

If you want to Edit the material properties, click on the material in the text area and Click “Edit”.  The material will be removed from the study and will be ready to be edited.  Once you have edited the parameters, Click on “Add” to add it back to study.

To delete a material from the study, click on the material in the text area and Click “Delete”.  Software will confirm with you if you really want to Delete this material and if you click on “Yes” it will be removed.

  • When you click on Boundary Conditions Tab, it will look like figure below.  This is used to add Geometric Boundary Conditions (Fixed, Rolling restraints)


Add the Boundary Condition Name (8 characters long), add the name of the face/edge that it is connected to and then add the Displacement values.

For example, if you want a face to be fixed, add its name and then input 0, 0, 0 in DX, DY and DZ text fields

Click on “Add” to add this Boundary Condition to the study.

“Edit” and “Delete” buttons do exactly as they seem.

  • When you click on Load Tab, it will look like figure below.  This is used to add Loading Boundary Conditions (Gravity, Pressure, Force)


Add the name of the Load, then select which type of Load it is (Gravity, Pressure, Force on Face, Force on Edge), then input which Mesh group does this Load affect and then give the Magnitude in the particular direction it is applied.

For Pressure, just add the pressure value in FX field

For Gravity, give any name in Group Name as it will always be applied to the whole model

“Add”, “Edit” and “Delete” behaves as their name suggests.


After you have entered relevant information, Click “Save .comm file” and the software will ask for a location to save file.  Remember to give the file name extension of “.comm” as at this stage it is not taken by default (something for the next revision)


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