Piping Abbreviations

Piping Abbreviations

Here is the compiled list of Piping Abbreviations.  This is not an exhaustive list and is updated regularly. ASME: American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials AWS: American Welding Society AWWA: American Water Works...
Design Pressure vs Max Allowable Working Pressure

Design Pressure vs Max Allowable Working Pressure

There is always confusion when a Piping engineer talks to a Mechanical engineer about the Pressure to which piping is to be designed.  Piping engineers are trained to design piping to ASME B31.1, B31.3 which guides the engineer to use Design Pressure, where as ASME...
PCF file import to Caesar II

PCF file import to Caesar II

Recently for a project we were having problems with Isogen to generate Piping Isometric but it was not working well.  This was required for me to carryout Pipe Stress Analysis based on the information in Stress Isometrics. I searched CaesarII help and found out that...

Stress Analysis Checklist

Stress Analysis forms integral part of Pipe Design. A checklist spreadsheet is provided to ease the process of deciding which pipes to stress analyze. Engineering judgement should be made while using this spreadsheet To download the spreadsheet right-click the button...